Tip: Description of Allergy & Medication / Treatment Required
Please provide a copy of your child's ASCIA Action Plan to the Church Office. office@npbc.org.au
Are there any conditions or important information that may affect their participation or that we need to know about? eg. asthma, hearing or sight impairment, behavioural issues, formal counselling situations, or any other?
We are required to have details for 2 parents / carers or trusted contacts who can make decisions in an emergency. These people need to be contactable during youth programs.
The first contact will also be the details we use to send information about future programs via email.
Tip: Are there any conditions or circumstances which require special consideration that we should know about? Eg. Custody arrangements?
Terms and Conditions
- Please read with your child -
Do you agree to listen and respect leaders?
Do you agree to interact with others in an encouraging and kind manner?
Do you agree to take care of our resources and space?
Do you agree to have heaps of fun?