North Pine Baptist Church
BSB 704-913 Account number 400039483
Please identify the money as CAMP followed by surname (ie CAMP Smith)
I give permission for my son/daughter to participate in the Unleashed Camp on Friday 5th April to Sunday 7th April 2024.
I give permission for my son/daughter to travel to and from camp by either a privately chartered bus or a leaders car. Leaders transporting children will be over 21 years of age with an open licence.
I am aware, in signing this document for my childs participation in this program, that certain elements of the program could be physically and emotionally demanding. Furthermore, I understand that certain inherent risks and dangers may exist in the activities in which my child will be participating. I acknowledge that while the organisation and its leaders will make every reasonable effort to minimise exposure to known risks,
all hazards and dangers associated with these activities cannot be foreseen or may be beyond the control of the organisation, its leaders and staff.
In the event of any emergency where my nominated contact people are unavailable:
I authorise the leaders to obtain medical advice and/ or assistance which they deem necessary.
I further authorise qualified practitioners to administer anaesthetic if required.
I accept all operation, blood transfusion and/ or anaesthetic risks involved in the event that such procedures are deemed necessary.
I accept the responsibility for payment and agree to pay medical, transport and any other related expenses.
I recognise that being part of a community involves mutual care and consideration and therefore agree that unacceptable behaviour or breach of the Terms and Conditions provided on the Medical & Personal Information Form may result in my child being sent home from camp.