If your child requires Medication on Camp, please see the Medication Form attached to the Camp Email and return a completed copy to Isaac Milburn either via email (, in person or available at drop-off.

Camp Cost

Tip: The half-chest measurement refers to laying a t-shirt on a flat surface and measuring across the front seam to seam- see information provided in Camp Email or contact for more information.


  North Pine Baptist Church 
   BSB 704-913 Account number 400039483 
   Please identify the money as CAMP followed by surname (ie CAMP Smith) 

I give permission for my son/daughter to participate in the Unleashed Camp on Friday 5th April to Sunday 7th April 2024. 

I give permission for my son/daughter to travel to and from camp by either a privately chartered bus or a leaders car. Leaders transporting children will be over 21 years of age with an open licence. 

I am aware, in signing this document for my childs participation in this program, that certain elements of the program could be physically and emotionally demanding.  Furthermore, I understand that certain inherent risks and dangers may exist in the activities in which my child will be participating.  I acknowledge that while the organisation and its leaders will make every reasonable effort to minimise exposure to known risks,  
all hazards and dangers associated with these activities cannot be foreseen or may be beyond the control of the organisation, its leaders and staff.   

In the event of any emergency where my nominated contact people are unavailable: 
   I authorise the leaders to obtain medical advice and/ or assistance which they deem necessary. 
   I further authorise qualified practitioners to administer anaesthetic if required. 
   I accept all operation, blood transfusion and/ or anaesthetic risks involved in the event that such procedures are deemed necessary. 
   I accept the responsibility for payment and agree to pay medical, transport and any other related expenses. 

I recognise that being part of a community involves mutual care and consideration and therefore agree that unacceptable behaviour or breach of the Terms and Conditions provided on the Medical & Personal Information Form may result in my child being sent home from camp.


Personal Details


Tip: Description of Allergy & Medication / Treatment Required


Are there any conditions or important information that may affect their participation or that we need to know about? eg. asthma, hearing or sight impairment, behavioural issues, formal counselling situations, or any other?


We are required to have details for 2 parents / carers or trusted contacts who can make decisions in an emergency. These people need to be contactable during youth programs.

The first contact will also be the details we use to send information about future programs via email.

First Parent / Carer or Emergency Contact

Second Parent / Carer or Emergency Contact

Important Information

Tip: Are there any conditions or circumstances which require special consideration that we should know about? Eg. Custody arrangements?


Terms and Conditions

    I consent to receiving information for the program/s in which my child participates. This information will be communicated by the contact details I have provided.
    I have provided all relevant and vital information personal and or medical that may be of benefit whilst my child/ren attends NPBC events and I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure these details held by NPBC are up to date, including all information required for COVID safe compliance.
    I am aware, in signing this document, regarding my child/ren participation this program, that certain elements of the program could be physically and emotionally demanding. Furthermore, I understand that certain inherent risks and dangers may exist in the activities in which my child will be participating. In the event of any emergency, I authorise the leaders to obtain medical advice and/or assistance which they deem necessary. I accept the responsibility for payment and agree to pay medical, transport and any other related expenses.
  4. SIGN IN & OUT.
    I am aware my presence (or a delegated adult representative) is required to sign in and out my child/ren out of all programs, unless communicated otherwise by the program. I am aware that at JUNIOR YOUTH grades 3-6 child/ren must be signed in and out by a parent / guardian. I am aware that at UNLEASHED grades 7-12 child/ren are permitted to sign themselves in and out of UNLEASHED.
    We (NPBC staff and volunteers) occasionally will choose to capture some footage and photos at church events on an authorised device. These may be used for publicity such as Church Newsletters, Church Website, Church Facebook & Instagram accounts, and other promotional activities. We respect that some parents / guardians may prefer for their child not to be present within these photos. Please indicate your preference via the medical form consent section.  
    We accept that mobile phones and other electronic devices are a normal part of many young peoples lives. We expect that all mobile phones and other electronic devices of a young person should be silenced or turned off during childrens and youth programs. We respect program participants privacy by not permitting footage or photos to be captured by non-authorised devices. Each program may implement additional requirements around mobile phone and electronic device use. 
    The standard of behaviour expected throughout the program is consistent with what is expected of the child while at school. In extreme cases, following consultation with and the approval of the Ministry Coordinator, the leaders may determine that a student must immediately return home. If serious misbehaviour warrants this action, parents / guardians will be advised immediately of the situation and be required to arrange to bring their child home.

- Please read with your child -

Do you agree to listen and respect leaders?

Do you agree to interact with others in an encouraging and kind manner?

Do you agree to take care of our resources and space?

Do you agree ot have heaps of fun?